Private Tutoring
For those interested in one-on-one or private tutoring sessions for your family, please explore our offerings below. There is availability for various subjects in grades K-12.
Rates start at $85 per hour for grades K-6, and $115 per hour for grades 7-12. Custom packages available for families booking more than one session.
Private Tutoring Options
Test Prep
These one-on-one sessions are designed to help students develop understanding of both content and strategy for various tests. Currently, we offer test prep for SAT, ACT, PSAT, SHSAT, SSAT, ISEE, various AP exams, various Regents exams, Gifted & Talented Testing, and the Hunter Admissions Exam. Last year, some of our tutors had a 100% success rate with their students achieving the scores and acceptances they were pursuing! Rates vary depending on the test, availability, and instructor credentials.
These are sessions for students who are performing well in school, but have opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter, improved confidence and motivation, and a passion for learning.
After an initial assessment, our instructors will craft customized curriculums to help students expand beyond their lessons at school. We will introduce challenging yet exciting material to engage students and support them in their proximal zone of academic development.
Application Consults
These sessions are short-term commitments for students already in the process of matching with specialized schools or applying to private schools. For those still considering whether they'd like to pursue a certain application process, we'd be happy to schedule a brief phone call!
During privates, instructors will guide students in completing their applications thoughtfully and answer any questions they may have. Essay support will be provided after students have already produced their own initial work!

Homework Help
There is no outside curriculum written, but instructors may choose to supplement course work and school resources with their own reference materials to reinforce students' understanding. Sessions will focus on helping students complete homework, prepare for assessments, clarify any areas of difficulty, and cultivate a more advanced grasp of the material.
These sessions can be organized as one-on-one meetings or shared privates (up to three students) for students enrolled in the same program. Shared privates function like "office hours" with students bringing in their own questions for the group to explore together.
Available for all subjects K-12. These sessions are designed to support students who've fallen behind their grade level, and will require a custom curriculum including supplementary resources and individual instruction to bring them up to speed! Initial sessions will identify potential gaps in understanding as well as any underlying causes, while subsequent sessions will be structured to address these areas in an efficient and encouraging way.
For those students requiring highly differentiated instruction, we have many learning specialist and instructors on staff with higher certifications who can provide advanced interventions! These include but are not limited to Orton-Gillingham practitioners, Wilson Certified Educators, Judith Hochman instructors, SPED certified teachers, SPIRE instruction, Math U See programs, multi-sensory instruction, and many more.
Academic Coaching
These private sessions are oriented around assistance in navigating schoolwork, as well as academic management. These do not include supplementary curriculum.
For younger students (K-6) we will concentrate on work assigned at school. We will not only assist in teaching the concepts, but use these sessions to introduce basic organizational skills, study techniques, and academic planning.
For older students (7-12) these sessions will center around improving upon organizational skills and study techniques. High school students will also receive guidance on what extra curriculars, advanced courses, and volunteer opportunities they might enroll in to become stronger candidates during the college admissions process.